Publications of Kamran Safi

Journal Article (104)

Journal Article
Soultan, A.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Risk of biodiversity collapse under climate change in the Afro-Arabian region. Scientific Reports 9, 955 (2019)
Journal Article
Scacco, M.; Flack, A.; Duriez, O.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Static landscape features predict uplift locations for soaring birds across Europe. Royal Society Open Science 6 (1), 181440 (2019)
Journal Article
Smaers, J. B.; Mongle, C. S.; Safi, K.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Allometry, evolution and development of neocortex size in mammals. Progress in Brain Research 250, pp. 83 - 107 (2019)
Journal Article
Yusefi, G. H.; Safi, K.; Brito, J. C.: Network- and distance-based methods in bioregionalization processes at regional scale: An application to the terrestrial mammals of Iran. Journal of Biogeography 46 (11), pp. 2433 - 2443 (2019)
Journal Article
Scharf, A. K.; Belant, J. L.; Beyer Jr., D. E.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Habitat suitability does not capture the essence of animal-defined corridors. BMC Movement Ecology 6, 18 (2018)
Journal Article
Remelgado, R.; Leutner, B.; Safi, K.; Sonnenschein, R.; Kuebert, C.; Wegmann, M.: Linking animal movement and remote sensing - mapping resource suitability from a remote sensing perspective. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 4 (3), pp. 211 - 224 (2018)
Journal Article
Parlin, A. F.; Nardone, J. A.; Dougherty, J. K.; Rebein, M.; Safi, K.; Schaeffer, P. J.: Activity and movement of free-living box turtles are largely independent of ambient and thermal conditions. BMC Movement Ecology 6, 12 (2018)
Journal Article
van Toor, M. L.; Kranstauber, B.; Newman, S. H.; Prosser, D. J.; Takekawa, J. Y.; Technitis, G.; Weibel, R.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Integrating animal movement with habitat suitability for estimating dynamic migratory connectivity. Landscape Ecology 33 (6), pp. 879 - 893 (2018)
Journal Article
Oloo, F.; Safi, K.; Aryal, J.: Predicting migratory corridors of white storks, Ciconia ciconia, to enhance sustainable wind energy planning: A data-driven agent-based model. Sustainability 10 (5), 1470 (2018)
Journal Article
Nourani, E.; Safi, K.; Yamaguchi, N. M.; Higuchi, H.: Raptor migration in an oceanic flyway: Wind and geography shape the migratory route of grey-faced buzzards in East Asia. Royal Society Open Science 5 (3), 171555 (2018)
Journal Article
Tucker, M. A.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Fagan, W. F.; Fryxell, J. M.; Moorter, B. V.; Alberts, S. C.; Ali, A. H.; Allen, A. M.; Attias, N.; Avgar, T. et al.; Bartlam-Brooks, H.; Bayarbaatar, B.; Belant, J. L.; Bertassoni, A.; Beyer, D.; Bidner, L.; van Beest, F. M.; Blake, S.; Blaum, N.; Bracis, C.; Brown, D.; de Bruyn, P. J. N.; Cagnacci, F.; Calabrese, J. M.; Camilo-Alves, C.; Chamaillé-Jammes, S.; Chiaradia, A.; Davidson, S. C.; Dennis, T.; DeStefano, S.; Diefenbach, D.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Fennessy, J.; Fichtel, C.; Fiedler, W.; Fischer, C.; Fischhoff, I.; Fleming, C. H.; Ford, A. T.; Fritz, S. A.; Gehr, B.; Goheen, J. R.; Gurarie, E.; Hebblewhite, M.; Heurich, M.; Hewison, A. J. M.; Hof, C.; Hurme, E.; Isbell, L. A.; Janssen, R.; Jeltsch, F.; Kaczensky, P.; Kane, A.; Kappeler, P. M.; Kauffman, M.; Kays, R.; Kimuyu, D.; Koch, F.; Kranstauber, B.; LaPoint, S. D.; Leimgruber, P.; Linnell, J. D. C.; López-López, P.; Markham, A. C.; Mattisson, J.; Medici, E. P.; Mellone, U.; Merrill, E.; de Mourão, G. M.; Morato, R. G.; Morellet, N.; Morrison, T. A.; Díaz-Muñoz, S. L.; Mysterud, A.; Nandintsetseg, D.; Nathan, R.; Niamir, A.; Odden, J.; O'Hara, R. B.; Oliveira-Santos, L. G. R.; Olson, K. A.; Patterson, B. D.; de Paula, R. C.; Pedrotti, L.; Reineking, B.; Rimmler, M.; Rogers, T. L.; Rolandsen, C. M.; Rosenberry, C. S.; Rubenstein, D. I.; Safi, K.; Saïd, S.; Sapir, N.; Sawyer, H.; Schmidt, N. M.; Selva, N.; Sergiel, A.; Shiilegdamba, E.; Silva, J. P.; Singh, N.; Solberg, E. J.; Spiegel, O.; Strand, O.; Sundaresan, S.; Ullmann, W.; Voigt, U.; Wall, J.; Wattles, D.; Wikelski, M.; Wilmers, C. C.; Wilson, J. W.; Wittemyer, G.; Zięba, F.; Zwijacz-Kozica, T.; Mueller, T.: Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359 (6374), pp. 466 - 469 (2018)
Journal Article
Peron, G.; Fleming, C. H.; Duriez, O.; Fluhr, J.; Itty, C.; Lambertucci, S.; Safi, K.; Shepard, E. L. C.; Calabrese, J. M.: The energy landscape predicts flight height and wind turbine collision hazard in three species of large soaring raptor. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (6), pp. 1895 - 1906 (2017)
Journal Article
Soultan, A.; Safi, K.: The interplay of various sources of noise on reliability of species distribution models hinges on ecological specialisation. PLoS One 12 (11), e0187906 (2017)
Journal Article
Dechmann, D. K. N.; Wikelski, M.; Ellis-Soto, D.; Safi, K.; O'Mara, M. T.: Determinants of spring migration departure decision in a bat. Biology Letters 13 (9), 20170395 (2017)
Journal Article
Kranstauber, B.; Smolla, M.; Safi, K.: Similarity in spatial utilization distributions measured by the earth mover’s distance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), pp. 155 - 160 (2017)
Journal Article
van Toor, M. L.; Arriero, E.; Holland, R. A.; Huttunen, M. J.; Juvaste, R.; Mueller, I.; Thorup, K.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Flexibility of habitat use in novel environments: Insights from a translocation experiment with lesser black-backed gulls. Royal Society Open Science 4 (1), 160164 (2017)
Journal Article
McCracken, G. F.; Safi, K.; Kunz, T. H.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; Swartz, S. M.; Wikelski, M.: Airplane tracking documents the fastest flight speeds recorded for bats. Royal Society Open Science 3 (11), 160398 (2016)
Journal Article
van Toor, M. L.; Newman, S. H.; Takekawa, J. Y.; Wegmann, M.; Safi, K.: Temporal segmentation of animal trajectories informed by habitat use. Ecosphere 7 (10), e01498 (2016)
Journal Article
Bengtsson, D.; Safi, K.; Avril, A.; Fiedler, W.; Wikelski, M.; Gunnarsson, G.; Elmberg, J.; Tolf, C.; Olsen, B.; Waldenström, J.: Does influenza A virus infection affect movement behaviour during stopover in its wild reservoir host? Royal Society Open Science 3 (2), 150633 (2016)
Journal Article
Scharf, A. K.; Wikelski, M.; LaPoint, S. D.; Safi, K.: Acceleration data reveal highly individually structured energetic landscapes in free-ranging fishers (Pekania pennanti). PLoS One 11 (2), e0145732 (2016)
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