Publications of Barbara Fruth

Journal Article (80)

Journal Article
Lee, S.; Hohmann, G.; Lonsdorf, E.; Fruth, B.; Murray, C.: Gregariousness, foraging effort, and social interactions in lactating bonobos and chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology 32 (1), pp. 188 - 198 (2021)
Journal Article
Bessone, M.; Booto, L.; Santos, A. R.; Kuhl, H. S.; Fruth, B.: No time to rest: How the effects of climate change on nest decay threaten the conservation of apes in the wild. PLoS One 16 (6), e0252527 (2021)
Journal Article
Kavanagh, E.; Street, S. E.; Angwela, F. O.; Bergman, T. J.; Blaszczyk, M. B.; Bolt, L. M.; Briseno-Jaramillo, M.; Brown, M.; Chen-Kraus, C.; Clay, Z. et al.; Coye, C.; Thompson, M. E.; Estrada, A.; Fichtel, C.; Fruth, B.; Gamba, M.; Giacoma, C.; Graham, K. E.; Green, S.; Grueter, C. C.; Gupta, S.; Gustison, M. L.; Hagberg, L.; Hedwig, D.; Jack, K. M.; Kappeler, P. M.; King-Bailey, G.; Kubenova, B.; Lemasson, A.; Inglis, D. M.; Machanda, Z.; MacIntosh, A.; Majolo, B.; Marshall, S.; Mercier, S.; Micheletta, J.; Muller, M.; Notman, H.; Ouattara, K.; Ostner, J.; Pavelka, M. S. M.; Peckre, L. R.; Petersdorf, M.; Quintero, F.; Ramos-Fernandez, G.; Robbins, M. M.; Salmi, R.; Schamberg, I.; Schulke, O.; Semple, S.; Silk, J. B.; Sosa-Lopez, J. R.; Torti, V.; Valente, D.; Ventura, R.; van de Waal, E.; Weyher, A. H.; Wilke, C.; Wrangham, R.; Young, C.; Zanoli, A.; Zuberbuhler, K.; Lameira, A. R.; Slocombe, K.: Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. Royal Society Open Science 8 (7), 210873 (2021)
Journal Article
Lee, S. M.; Sutherland, L. J.; Fruth, B.; Murray, C. M.; Lonsdorf, E. V.; Arbenz-Smith, K.; Augusto, R.; Brogan, S.; Canington, S. L.; Lee, K. C. et al.; McGrath, K.; McFarlin, S. C.; Hohmann, G.: In vivo deciduous dental eruption in LuiKotale bonobos and Gombe chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 176 (4), pp. 684 - 691 (2021)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Samuni, L.; Boesch, C.; Fruth, B.; Crockford, C.; Wittig, R. M.; Hohmann, G.: Attractiveness of female sexual signaling predicts differences in female grouping patterns between bonobos and chimpanzees. Communications Biology 4 (1), 1119 (2021)
Journal Article
Girard-Buttoz, C.; Surbeck, M.; Samuni, L.; Boesch, C.; Fruth, B.; Crockford, C.; Hohmann, G.; Wittig, R. M.: Variable use of polyadic grooming and its effect on access to social partners in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Animal Behavior 168, pp. 211 - 224 (2020)
Journal Article
Girard-Buttoz, C.; Surbeck, M.; Samuni, L.; Tkaczynski, P. J.; Boesch, C.; Fruth, B.; Wittig, R. M.; Hohmann, G.; Crockford, C.: Information transfer efficiency differs in wild chimpanzees and bonobos, but not social cognition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1929), 20200877 (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, S. M.; Murray, C. M.; Lonsdorf, E. V.; Fruth, B.; Stanton, M. A.; Nichols, J.; Hohmann, G.: Wild bonobo and chimpanzee females exhibit broadly similar patterns of behavioral maturation but some evidence for divergence. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 171 (1), pp. 100 - 109 (2020)
Journal Article
Tkaczynski, P. J.; Behringer, V.; Ackermann,, C.Y.; Fedrurek, P.; Fruth, B.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Hobaiter, C.; Lee, S.M.; Löhrich, T.; Preis, A. et al.; Samuni, L.; Zommers, Z.; Zuberbühler, K.; Deschner, T.; Wittig, R. M.; Hohmann, G.; Crockford, C.: Patterns of urinary cortisol levels during ontogeny appear population- rather than species-specific in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Journal of Human Evolution 147, 102869 (2020)
Journal Article
Moscovice, L. R.; Surbeck, M.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.; Jaeggi, A.; Deschner, T.: The cooperative sex: Sexual interactions among female bonobos are linked to increases in oxytocin, proximity and coalitions. Hormones and Behavior 116, 104581 (2019)
Journal Article
Murthy, S.; O’Brien, K.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S.; Arandjelovic, M.; Ayimisin, A. E.; Bailey, E.; Bergl, R. A.; Brazzola, G.; Dieguez, P. et al.; Eno-Nku, M.; Eshuis, H.; Fruth, B.; Gillespie, T. R.; Yuh, Y. G.; Gray, M.; Herbinger, I.; Jones, S.; Kehoe, L.; Kühl, H. S.; Kujirakwinja, D.; Lee, K.; Madinda, N. F.; Mitamba, G.; Muhindo, E.; Nishuli, R.; Ormsby, L. J.; Petrzelkova, K. J.; Plumptre, A. J.; Robbins, M. M.; Sommer, V.; Ter Heegde, M.; Todd, A.; Tokunda, R.; Wessling, E. G.; Jarvis, M. A.; Leendertz, F. H.; Ehlers, B.; Calvignac-Spencer, S.: Cytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines. Virus Evolution 5 (2), vez015 (2019)
Journal Article
Hohmann, G.; Ortmann, S.; Remer, T.; Fruth, B.: Fishing for iodine: What aquatic foraging by bonobos tells us about human evolution. BMC Zoology 4, 5 (2019)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Boesch, C.; Crockford, C.; Thompson, M. E.; Furuichi, T.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.; Ishizuka, S.; Machanda, Z.; Muller, M. N. et al.; Pusey, A.; Sakamaki, T.; Tokuyama, N.; Walker, K.; Wrangham, R.; Wroblewski, E.; Zuberbühler, K.; Vigilant, L.; Langergraber, K.: Males with a mother living in their group have higher paternity success in bonobos but not chimpanzees. Current Biology 29 (10), pp. R354 - R355 (2019)
Journal Article
Kalan, A. K.; Hohmann, G.; Arandjelovic, M.; Boesch, C.; McCarthy, M.; Agbor, A.; Angedakin, S.; Bailey, E.; Wilungula Balongelwa, C.; Bessone, M. et al.; Bocksberger, G.; Coxe, S. J.; Deschner, T.; Despres-Einspenner, M.-L.; Dieguez, P.; Fruth, B.; Herbinger, I.; Granjon, A.-C.; Head, J. S.; Kablan, Y. A.; Langergraber, K. E.; Lotana Lokasola, A.; Maretti, G.; Marrocoli, S.; Mbende, M.; Moustgaard, .; N’Goran, P. K.; Robbins, M. M.; van Schijndel, J.; Sommer, V.; Surbeck, M.; Tagg , N.; Willie, J.; Wittig, R. M.; Kühl, H. S.: Novelty response of wild African apes to camera traps. Current Biology 29 (7), pp. 1211 - 1217 (2019)
Journal Article
Fruth, B.; Tagg, N.; Stewart, F.: Sleep and nesting behavior in primates: A review. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 166 (3), pp. 499 - 509 (2018)
Journal Article
Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.: Food Sharing across borders: First observation of inter-community meat sharing by bonobos at LuiKotale, DRC. Human Nature 29 (2), pp. 91 - 103 (2018)
Journal Article
Beaune, D.; Hohmann, G.; Serckx, A.; Sakamaki, T.; Narat, V.; Fruth, B.: How bonobo communities deal with fruits containing high tannin content: Re-ingestion and other feeding processes. Behavioural Processes 142, pp. 131 - 137 (2017)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Langergraber, K. E.; Fruth, B.; Vigilant, L.; Hohmann, G.: Male reproductive skew is higher in bonobos than chimpanzees. Current Biology 27 (13), pp. R640 - R641 (2017)
Journal Article
Surbeck, M.; Girard-Buttoz, C.; Boesch, C.; Crockford, C.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.; Langergraber, K.; Zuberbühler, K.; Wittig, R. M.; Mundry, R.: Sex-specific association patterns in bonobos and chimpanzees reflect species differences in cooperation. Royal Society Open Science 4, 161081 (2017)
Journal Article
Mossoun, A.; Calvignac-Spencer, S.; Anoh, A. E.; Pauly, M. S.; Driscoll, D. A.; Michel, A. O.; Nazaire, L. G.; Pfister, S.; Sabwe, P.; Thiesen, U. et al.; Vogler, B. R.; Wiersma, L.; Muyembe-Tamfum, J.-J.; Karhemere, S.; Akoua-Koffi, C.; Couacy-Hymann, E.; Fruth, B.; Wittig, R. M.; Leendertz, F.; Schubert, G.: Bushmeat hunting and zoonotic transmission of Simian T-lymphotropic virus 1 in tropical West and Central Africa. Journal of Virology 91 (10), e02479-16 (2017)
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