Publications of Christophe Boesch

Journal Article (28)

Journal Article
Janmaat, K. R. L.; Ban, S. D.; Boesch, C.: Taï chimpanzees use botanical skills to discover fruit: What we can learn from their mistakes. Animal Cognition 16 (6), pp. 851 - 860 (2013)
Journal Article
Schubert, G.; Vigilant, L.; Boesch, C.; Klenke, R.; Langergraber, K. E.; Mundry, R.; Surbeck, M.; Hohmann, G.: Co–residence between males and their mothers and grandmothers is more frequent in bonobos than chimpanzees. PLoS One 8 (12), e83870 (2013)
Journal Article
Deschner, T.; Fuller, B. T.; Oelze, V. M.; Boesch, C.; Hublin, J.-J.; Mundry, R.; Richards, M. P.; Ortmann, S.; Hohmann, G.: Identification of energy consumption and nutritional stress by isotopic and elemental analysis of urine in bonobos (Pan paniscus). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26 (1), pp. 69 - 77 (2012)
Journal Article
Schubert, G.; Stoneking, C. J.; Arandjelovic, M.; Boesch, C.; Eckhardt, N.; Hohmann, G.; Langergraber, K.; Lukas, D.; Vigilant, L.: Male-mediated gene flow in patrilocal primates. PLoS One 6 (7), e21514 (2011)
Journal Article
Eriksson, J.; Siedel, H.; Lukas, D.; Kayser, M.; Erler, A.; Hashimoto, C.; Hohmann, G.; Boesch, C.; Vigilant, L.: Y-chromosome analysis confirms highly sex-biased dispersal and suggests a low male effective population size in bonobos (Pan paniscus). Molecular Ecology 15 (4), pp. 939 - 949 (2006)
Journal Article
Eriksson, J.; Hohmann, G.; Boesch, C.; Vigilant, L.: Rivers influence the population genetic structure of bonobos (Pan paniscus). Molecular Ecology 13 (11), pp. 3425 - 3435 (2004)
Journal Article
Reichert, K. E.; Heistermann, M.; Hodges, J. K.; Boesch, C.; Hohmann, G.: What females tell males about their reproductive status: Are morphological and behavioural cues reliable signals of ovulation in bonobos (Pan paniscus)? Ethology 108 (7), pp. 583 - 600 (2002)
Journal Article
Gagneux, P.; Wills, C.; Gerloff, U.; Tautz, D.; Morin, P. A.; Boesch, C.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.; Ryder, O. A.; Woodruff, D.: Mitochondrial sequences show diverse evolutionary histories of African hominids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96 (9), pp. 5077 - 5082 (1999)

Book (2)

Hohmann, G.; Robbins, M. M.; Boesch, C. (Eds.): Feeding ecology in apes and other primates. Cambridge Univ. Pr., Cambridge (2006), 540 pp.
Boesch, C.; Hohmann, G.; Marchant, L. F. (Eds.): Behavioural diversity in chimpanzees and bonobos. Cambridge University Pr., Cambridge (2002), 285 pp.

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Porter, L. M.; Garber, P.; Boesch, C.; Janmaat, K.: Finding fruit in a tropical rainforest: A comparison of the foraging patterns of two distinct fruit-eating primates across years. In: Spatial analysis in field primatology: Applying GIS at varying scales (Eds. Dolins, F. L.; Shaffer, C. A.; Porter, L. M.; Hickey, J. R.; Nibbelink, N. P.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2020)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Janmaat, K.; Ban, S.; Boesch, C.: Do Tai chimpanzees use botanical knowledge in their search for fruit in large scale space. In Cognitive Processing, 13 (Suppl. 1), p. S17. Pabst Science, Lengerich (2012)
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