Publications of Stephen Blake

Journal Article (68)

Journal Article
Tucker, M. A.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Fagan, W. F.; Fryxell, J. M.; Moorter, B. V.; Alberts, S. C.; Ali, A. H.; Allen, A. M.; Attias, N.; Avgar, T. et al.; Bartlam-Brooks, H.; Bayarbaatar, B.; Belant, J. L.; Bertassoni, A.; Beyer, D.; Bidner, L.; van Beest, F. M.; Blake, S.; Blaum, N.; Bracis, C.; Brown, D.; de Bruyn, P. J. N.; Cagnacci, F.; Calabrese, J. M.; Camilo-Alves, C.; Chamaillé-Jammes, S.; Chiaradia, A.; Davidson, S. C.; Dennis, T.; DeStefano, S.; Diefenbach, D.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Fennessy, J.; Fichtel, C.; Fiedler, W.; Fischer, C.; Fischhoff, I.; Fleming, C. H.; Ford, A. T.; Fritz, S. A.; Gehr, B.; Goheen, J. R.; Gurarie, E.; Hebblewhite, M.; Heurich, M.; Hewison, A. J. M.; Hof, C.; Hurme, E.; Isbell, L. A.; Janssen, R.; Jeltsch, F.; Kaczensky, P.; Kane, A.; Kappeler, P. M.; Kauffman, M.; Kays, R.; Kimuyu, D.; Koch, F.; Kranstauber, B.; LaPoint, S. D.; Leimgruber, P.; Linnell, J. D. C.; López-López, P.; Markham, A. C.; Mattisson, J.; Medici, E. P.; Mellone, U.; Merrill, E.; de Mourão, G. M.; Morato, R. G.; Morellet, N.; Morrison, T. A.; Díaz-Muñoz, S. L.; Mysterud, A.; Nandintsetseg, D.; Nathan, R.; Niamir, A.; Odden, J.; O'Hara, R. B.; Oliveira-Santos, L. G. R.; Olson, K. A.; Patterson, B. D.; de Paula, R. C.; Pedrotti, L.; Reineking, B.; Rimmler, M.; Rogers, T. L.; Rolandsen, C. M.; Rosenberry, C. S.; Rubenstein, D. I.; Safi, K.; Saïd, S.; Sapir, N.; Sawyer, H.; Schmidt, N. M.; Selva, N.; Sergiel, A.; Shiilegdamba, E.; Silva, J. P.; Singh, N.; Solberg, E. J.; Spiegel, O.; Strand, O.; Sundaresan, S.; Ullmann, W.; Voigt, U.; Wall, J.; Wattles, D.; Wikelski, M.; Wilmers, C. C.; Wilson, J. W.; Wittemyer, G.; Zięba, F.; Zwijacz-Kozica, T.; Mueller, T.: Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359 (6374), pp. 466 - 469 (2018)
Journal Article
Ellis-Soto, D.; Blake, S.; Soultan, A.; Guézou, A.; Cabrera, F.; Lötters, S.: Plant species dispersed by Galapagos tortoises surf the wave of habitat suitability under anthropogenic climate change. PLoS One 12 (7), e0181333 (2017)
Journal Article
Bastille‐Rousseau, G.; Gibbs, J. P.; Yackulic, C. B.; Frair, J. L.; Cabrera, F.; Rousseau, L.; Wikelski, M.; Kümmeth, F.; Blake, S.: Animal movement in the absence of predation: Environmental drivers of movement strategies in a partial migration system. Oikos 126 (7), pp. 1004 - 1019 (2017)
Journal Article
Yackulic, C. B.; Blake, S.; Bastille-Rousseau, G.: Benefits of the destinations, not costs of the journeys, shape partial migration patterns. Journal of Animal Ecology 86 (4), pp. 972 - 982 (2017)
Journal Article
Abrahms, B.; Seidel, D. P.; Dougherty, E.; Hazen, E. L.; Bograd, S. J.; Wilson, A. M.; McNutt, J. W.; Costa, D. P.; Blake, S.; Brashares, J. S. et al.; Getz, W. M.: Suite of simple metrics reveals common movement syndromes across vertebrate taxa. BMC Movement Ecology 5, 12 (2017)
Journal Article
Bastille-Rousseau, G.; Gibbs, J. P.; Campbell, K.; Yackulic, C. B.; Blake, S.: Ecosystem implications of conserving endemic versus eradicating introduced large herbivores in the Galapagos Archipelago. Biological Conservation 209, pp. 1 - 10 (2017)
Journal Article
Poulsen, J. R.; Koerner, S. E.; Moore, S.; Medjibe, V. P.; Blake, S.; Clark, C. J.; Akou, M. E.; Fay, J. M.; Meier, A.; Okouyi, J. et al.; Rosin, C.; White, L. J. T.: Poaching empties critical Central African wilderness of forest elephants. Current Biology 27 (4), pp. R134 - R135 (2017)
Journal Article
Bastille-Rousseau, G.; Yackulic, C. B.; Frair, J. L.; Cabrera, F.; Blake, S.: Allometric and temporal scaling of movement characteristics in Galapagos tortoises. Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (5), pp. 1171 - 1181 (2016)
Journal Article
Sheldon, J. D.; Stacy, N. I.; Blake, S.; Cabrera, F.; Deem, S. L.: Comparison of total leukocyte quantification methods in free-living galapagos tortoises (chelonoidis spp.). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), pp. 196 - 205 (2016)
Journal Article
Palmer, J. L.; Blake, S.; Wellehan, J. F. X. J.; Childress, A. L.; Deem, S. L.: Clinical mycoplasma sp infections in free-living three-toed box turtles (Terrapene carolina triunguis) in Missouri, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52 (2), pp. 378 - 382 (2016)
Journal Article
Doughty, C. E.; Wolf, A.; Morueta‐Holme, N.; Jørgensen, P. M.; Sandel, B.; Violle, C.; Boyle, B.; Kraft, N. J. B.; Peet, R. K.; Enquist, B. J. et al.; Svenning, J.; Blake, S.; Galetti, M.: Megafauna extinction, tree species range reduction, and carbon storage in Amazonian forests. Ecography 39 (2), pp. 194 - 203 (2016)
Journal Article
Bastille-Rousseau, G.; Potts, J. R.; Yackulic, C. B.; Frair, J. L.; Ellington, E. H.; Blake, S.: Flexible characterization of animal movement pattern using net squared displacement and a latent state model. BMC Movement Ecology 4, 15 (2016)
Journal Article
Durant, S. M.; Becker, M. S.; Creel, S.; Bashir, S.; Dickman, A. J.; Beudels-Jamar, R. C.; Lichtenfeld, L.; Hilborn, R.; Wall, J.; Wittemyer, G. et al.; Badamjav, L.; Blake, S.; Boitani, L.; Breitenmoser, C.; Broekhuis, F.; Christianson, D.; Cozzi, G.; Davenport, T. R. B.; Deutsch, J.; Devillers, P.; Dollar, L.; Dolrenry, S.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Droege, E.; FitzHerbert, E.; Foley, C.; Hazzah, L.; Hopcraft, J. G. C.; Ikanda, D.; Jacobson, A.; Joubert, D.; Kelly, M. J.; Milanzi, J.; Mitchell, N.; M'Soka, J.; Msuha, M.; Mweetwa, T.; Nyahongo, J.; Rosenblatt, E.; Schuette, P.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Sinclair, A. R. E.; Stanley Price, M. R.; Zimmermann, A.; Pettorelli, N.: Developing fencing policies for dryland ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (3), pp. 544 - 551 (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, S.; Guezou, A.; Deem, S. L.; Yackulic, C. B.; Cabrera, F.: The dominance of introduced plant species in the diets of migratory galapagos tortoises increases with elevation on a human-occupied island. Biotropica 47 (2), pp. 246 - 258 (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, S.; Yackulic, C. B.; Wikelski, M.; Tapia, W.; Gibbs, J. P.; Deem, S.; Villamar, F.; Cabrera, F.: Migration by Galapagos giant tortoises requires landscape-scale conservation efforts. Galapagos report 2013-2014, pp. 144 - 150 (2015)
Journal Article
Tranquilli, S.; Abedi-Lartey, M.; Abernethy, K.; Amsini, F.; Asamoah, A.; Balangtaa, C.; Blake, S.; Bouanga, E.; Breuer, T.; Brncic, T. M. et al.; Campbell, G.; Chancellor, R.; Chapman, C. A.; Davenport, T. R. B.; Dunn, A.; Dupain, J.; Ekobo, A.; Eno-Nku, M.; Etoga, G.; Furuichi, T.; Gatti, S.; Ghiurghi, A.; Hashimoto, C.; Hart, J. A.; Head, J.; Hega, M.; Herbinger, I.; Hicks, T. C.; Holbech, L. H.; Huijbregts, B.; Kühl, H. S.; Imong, I.; Yeno, S. L.-D.; Linder, J.; Marshall, P.; Lero, P. M.; Morgan, D.; Mubalama, L.; N'Goran, P. K.; Nicholas, A.; Nixon, S.; Normand, E.; Nziguyimpa, L.; Nzooh-Dongmo, Z.; Ofori-Amanfo, R.; Ogunjemite, B. G.; Petre, C.-A.; Rainey, H. J.; Regnaut, S.; Robinson, O.; Rundus, A.; Sanz, C. M.; Okon, D. T.; Todd, A.; Warren, Y.; Sommer, V.: Protected areas in tropical Africa: Assessing threats and conservation activities. PLoS One 9 (12), e114154 (2014)
Journal Article
Blake, S.; Yackulic, C. B.; Cabrera, F.; Tapia, W.; Gibbs, J. P.; Kuemmeth, F.; Wikelski, M.: Vegetation dynamics drive segregation by body size in Galapagos tortoises migrating across altitudinal gradients. Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (2), pp. 310 - 321 (2013)
Journal Article
Creel, S.; Becker, M. S.; Durant, S. M.; M'Soka, J.; Matandiko, W.; Dickman, A. J.; Christianson, D.; Droege, E.; Mweetwa, T.; Pettorelli, N. et al.; Rosenblatt, E.; Schuette, P.; Woodroffe, R.; Bashir, S.; Beudels-Jamar, R. C.; Blake, S.; Borner, M.; Breitenmoser, C.; Broekhuis, F.; Cozzi, G.; Davenport, T. R. B.; Deutsch, J.; Dollar, L.; Dolrenry, S.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Fitzherbert, E.; Foley, C.; Hazzah, L.; Henschel, P.; Hilborn, R.; Hopcraft, J. G. C.; Ikanda, D.; Jacobson, A.; Joubert, B.; Joubert, D.; Kelly, M. S.; Lichtenfeld, L.; Mace, G. M.; Milanzi, J.; Mitchell, N.; Msuha, M.; Muir, R.; Nyahongo, J.; Pimm, S.; Purchase, G.; Schenck, C.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Sinclair, A. R. E.; Songorwa, A. N.; Stanley-Price, M.; Tehou, C. A.; Trout, C.; Wall, J.; Wittemyer, G.; Zimmermann, A.: Conserving large populations of lions - The argument for fences has holes. Ecology Letters 16 (11), pp. 1413 - e3 (2013)
Journal Article
Hickey, J. R.; Nackoney, J.; Nibbelink, N. P.; Blake, S.; Bonyenge, A.; Coxe, S.; Dupain, J.; Emetshu, M.; Furuichi, T.; Grossmann, F. et al.; Guislain, P.; Hart, J.; Hashimoto, C.; Ikembelo, B.; Ilambu, O.; Inogwabini, B.-I.; Liengola, I.; Lokasola, A. L.; Lushimba, A.; Maisels, F.; Masselink, J.; Mbenzo, V.; Mulavwa, N. M.; Naky, P.; Ndunda, N. M.; Nkumu, P.; Omasombo, V.; Reinartz, G. E.; Rose, R.; Sakamaki, T.; Strindberg, S.; Takemoto, H.; Vosper, A.; Kuehl, H. S.: Human proximity and habitat fragmentation are key drivers of the rangewide bonobo distribution. Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (13-14), pp. 3085 - 3104 (2013)
Journal Article
Maisels, F.; Strindberg, S.; Blake, S.; Wittemyer, G.; Hart, J.; Williamson, E. A.; Aba’a, R.; Abitsi, G.; Ambahe, R. D.; Amsini, F. et al.; Bakabana, P. C.; Hicks, T. C.; Bayogo, R. E.; Bechem, M.; Beyers, R. L.; Bezangoye, A. N.; Boundja, P.; Bout, N.; Akou, M. E.; Bene Bene, L.; Fosso, B.; Greengrass, E.; Grossmann, F.; Ikamba-Nkulu, C.; Ilambu, O.; Inogwabini, B.-I.; Iyenguet, F.; Kiminou, F.; Kokangoye, M.; Kujirakwinja, D.; Latour, S.; Liengola, I.; Mackaya, Q.; Madidi, J.; Madzoke, B.; Makoumbou, C.; Malanda, G.-A.; Malonga, R.; Mbani, O.; Mbendzo, V. A.; Ambassa, E.; Ekinde, A.; Mihindou, Y.; Morgan, B. J.; Motsaba, P.; Moukala, G.; Mounguengui, A.; Mowawa, B. S.; Ndzai, C.; Nixon, S.; Nkumu, P.; Nzolani, F.; Pintea, L.; Plumptre, A.; Rainey, H.; de Semboli, B. B.; Serckx, A.; Stokes, E.; Turkalo, A.; Vanleeuwe, H.; Vosper, A.; Warren, Y.: Devastating decline of forest elephants in Central Africa. PLoS One 8 (3), e59469 (2013)
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