Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
- Beginn: 27.11.2017
- Ende: 29.11.2017
- Vortragende(r): Julie Stearns
- Ort: Seewiesen
- Raum: Seminar Room House 4
- Gastgeber: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Kontakt:

DESCRIPTION: The seminar provides participants the opportunity to perfect their public-speaking skills. Constructive feedback from the trainer and group members as well as videotaping give the speaker a healthy amount of input while perfecting public-speaking skills. Participants will be required to prepare a 3 to 5 minute pitch or overview of their work incorporating also the use of a slide. This will provide a basis for applying the practical aims of the workshop. Please note that this workshop does not cover the content or design of slides! Throughout the three day workshop, participants will be guided through interactive exercises to improve nonverbal communication, improve the ability to listen and react generously, and to integrate focusing techniques which empower the speaker. There will be two videotaping sessions (on the second and third days) in this advanced workshop, as well as further in depth role play regarding the topic of dealing with challenging Q&A sessions.
- Concisely introducing yourself: practice your “pitch”
- Engaging the audience in one’s talk
- Affirming the strengths and individual style of the speaker
- Improving body language
- Effectively promoting oneself
- Develop strong tactics for effective communication
- Receiving video-feedback.
- Voice and body techniques
- Partner work/role-play
- Language practice and analysis
- Improvisation, videotaping and feedback.
TAREGT GROUP: Doctoral candidates and postdocs with some presentation experience.
Julie Stearns is a lecturer at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Folkwang University of the Arts and has been working for the Impulsplus team of qualified and dynamic trainers since 2011. Julie also works as a professional actress and director and produces theater and performance projects with international cooperation partners. She has several years of experience in teaching presentation skills, as well as voice and body training, self-marketing skills and performance skills. Julie offers workshops in the following subjects: “Scientific and Conference Presentation”, “Self-Marketing Skills”, “Storytelling Techniques for Scientists”, “Voice and Body Training”, “Fielding Questions: Preparing Your Audience for Discussion”, “Quick on Your Feet: Spontaneous Speaking Practice” and “One to One Training: Tailored Training for Individuals”