Bat acoustics and sound analysis with Avisoft SASLab Pro
Bat acoustics and sound analysis with Avisoft SASLab Pro
- Beginn: 02.11.2015 09:00
- Ende: 04.11.2015 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Stefan Greif + Holger Goerlitz
- MPI for Ornithology, Research Group “Acoustic and Functional Ecology”
- Ort: Seewiesen
- Raum: Seminar Room House 11
- Gastgeber: Stefan Greif
- Kontakt:

In this three-day course we will give you a concise introduction on general acoustics and how to analyze sound. More specifically, we will focus on how bats perceive their world through echolocation and point out distinctive features of the ultrasound realm.
You will apply your new knowledge using a very powerful sound analyses program, SASLab Pro.