Teaching Week
Teaching Week
- Start: Sep 26, 2015
- End: Oct 2, 2015
- Location: Seewiesen
- Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Contact: mhieber@orn.mpg.de

The teaching week addresses the new IMPRS students to give an insight into the different labs and research groups, their research focus and methods, and to give the new students the opportunity to get to know each other, exchange experiences and to discuss possible collaboration with other labs. The teaching week is obligatory for all incoming graduate students, everybody else interested is warmly welcome to join!
In 2015, research groups and labs from the MPIO Seewiesen will present their research topics and methods, in a mixture of lectures, experiments, and tours through their facilities.
26.09.15 "Intro in our IMPRS" by the IMPRS coordinator Mäggi Hieber Ruiz;
28-30.09.15 presentation of the research groups;
28.09.15 "Student life: hurdles and difficulties that can arise during a PhD", by the PhD candidates;
29.09.15 presentation of the Officers for Equal Opportunity + for Conflict Management;
29.09.15 workshop "Scientific Ethics + Integrity" by the MPIO Ombudsperson Henrik Brumm;
01-02.10.15 workshop "Mastering your PhD" by Valeska Russo, ProSciencia.