Good Scientific Practice
Good Scientific Practice
- Date: Oct 25, 2019
- Time: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. Michael Mende (MPI of Animal Behavior)
- Location: Seewiesen
- Room: Seminar Room House 4
- Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Contact:
The workshop aims to bring students up to date with the standard statutes of research integrity as well as local regulations at place. The course is structured around the DFG Curriculum „Good Scientific Practice“ for Courses in Science and Medicine (G. Sponholz | 10/2011), with particular emphasis on the following topics: Data storage, handling and protection, Documentation, Publication process and Authorship, Plagiarism and Conflict Resolution. During the workshop, participants will be engaged in discussions, group work, role-play and case studies. All participants will receive relevant material: a tool-kit with institutional guidelines, local contact points, links to useful web resources as well as relevant publications, which they can refer to throughout their scientific careers.