Python Course - Introduction to Software Engineering
Python Course - Introduction to Software Engineering
- Start: Mar 25, 2019 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Mar 27, 2019 05:00 PM
- Speaker: Tomas Cordoba, Raisting Software Engineering
- Location: MPI Seewiesen
- Room: Seminar Room House 4
- Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Contact:

Introduction to general programming, focusing on data processing using Python. This program prepares people to create their own software solutions. Allowing them to build code that processes data, generates graphics and creates statistical information. To conclude the course we will dedicate the last day to a workshop in which we will take a look at each participant’s code and discuss about different ways to make the code cleaner and easy to read. We will also help the participants with specific programming problems they have had while developing a code for their own data.
Day 1
• Introduction to Algorithms
• Installing and Using Python
• Variables and Expressions
• Conditional Code
• Functions
• Using libraries
Day 2
• Reading data from Excel/CSV files
• Statistics (Processing data)
• Generating graphics and Maps
• Reading sensors and controlling hardware
Day 3
• Workshop