Statistics Module 1: Introduction to basic statistics and R
Statistics Module 1: Introduction to basic statistics and R
- Start: Oct 4, 2018
- End: Oct 5, 2018
- Speaker: Dr. Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt
- Oikostat
- Location: MPIO Möggingen
- Room: MaxLounge
- Host: IMPRS for Organismal Biology
- Contact:

Day 1: Introduction to R (working in the batch modus, programming language R, reading and displaying data, writing functions, simulating data) + Basic theory (Probability distributions, Central limit theorem, Bayes theorem, Bootstrapping, Inference from data using frequentist and Bayesian methods, classical frequentist tests (t-, F-, Chi-, Wilcoxon-test)) Day 2: Computation techniques (Monte Carlo simulation, Approximations), Application to own or simulated data: Comparison of two means using frequentist and Bayesian methods, Discussion
Prerequisite for participation:
- basics in computer knowledge (Word, Excel)
- basics in mathematics
Course material:
Korner-Nievergelt, F., T. Roth, S. Von Felten, J. Guélat, B. Almasi, and P.
Korner-Nievergelt. 2015. Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecolog Using Linear
Models with R, BUGS, and Stan. Elsevier, New York.