Social Network Analyses
Social Network Analyses
- Start: Jan 10, 2018
- End: Jan 12, 2018
- Speaker: Dr. Damien Farine
- Damien Farine started as a Primary Investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in December. Damien specialises on using quantitative approaches for studying the evolution and maintenance of sociality. He has been involved both in the developed of quantitative tools and their application in a range of empirical studies. His research on birds (both in wild and in captive experiments) and wild baboons uses simultaneous tracking of animal groups to gain insight into mechanisms that underpin the formation of social networks and the evolutionary consequences of group living.
- Location: Möggingen/Radolfzell
- Room: Seminar Room
- Contact:

Social network analysis is becoming a widely used tool for studying social behaviour of animals. However, getting started with animal social networks is often challenging and this half-day student conference + workshop will give a first insight in social network analysis.
Generally, Day 1 of the
workshop covers the following topics:1. Introduction to social network theory2. Methods of data collection3. Inferring associations from social data4. General social network approaches5. General considerations for animal social network analysis6. Hypothesis testing with social network analysis7. Further methods and applications8. Data formats in R
9. Interfacing with R packages10. Presenting results11. Experimental approaches using social network analysis
Register with, deadline for registration: October 30!
Day 2 is a practical day, during which Damien Farine runs through an example network analysis and encourage attendees to bring their own data.
The workshop is often preceded by a mini-conference with a plenary lecture, after which attendees give a very short talk (3 slides) and present a poster. This can seem daunting, but previous feedback has told us that it is usually everyone's favourite part (especially first-year PhD students)! It helps everyone get to know one-another, create a community spirit, and gets everyone thinking about what they want to take away from the workshop.Register with, deadline for registration: October 30!