PhD with Lutz Wiegrebe, Division of Neurobiology, LMU Munich, and Holger Goerlitz, Research Group Acoustic and Functional Ecology, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen
PhD with Gerald Kerth, University of Greifswald + Bart Kempenaers, Department of Behavioural Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen
PhD with Barbara Helm, University of Glasgow + Martin Wikelski, Department of Migration and Immuno-Ecology, MPI for Ornithology / University of Konstanz
PhD with Niels Dingemanse, Research Group Evolutionary Ecology of Variation, and Bart Kempenaers, Department of Behavioural Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, MPI for Ornithology Seewiesen